3 free resource workbooks for former inmates added to GEOreentryconnect.com

Thanks to GEOReentryConnect.com, former offenders looking to restart their lives have a new resource to help them reach their reentry goals. Going forward, all visitors to the website have access to three free workbooks featuring helpful tips and step-by-step guides geared toward succeeding in the community.

These three guides available on the GEOReentryConnect.com website are titled the “Getting Started Workbook,” the “Educational and Vocational Workbook” and the “Jobs and Employment Workbook.”

The 25-page “Getting Started” workbook is based on the idea that while reentry looks different for different people, some aspects are necessary for everyone. The guide features checklists with steps for obtaining identification documents, housing, transportation, support for mental health and substance abuse, health insurance, legal and financial assistance, personal relationship advice, and guidance for parole/probation requirements. Essentially, this guide is a comprehensive resource designed to help former offenders identify and prioritize their short and long-term reentry needs.

The “Education and Vocational” workbook was created for individuals looking to pursue their education or enroll in a job training program as they move toward becoming productive citizens in the community. Whether they are looking to gain their high school diploma or equivalency certificate, enter a career technical educational program or earn their two or four-year college degree, former offenders can use this workbook to map out their education plan and restart their education or vocational training, so they have the resources to work toward a better future for themselves and for their families.

The “Jobs and Employment” workbook is designed to help users prepare a detailed employment plan to increase their chances of success of finding and securing gainful employment. Available resource lists, assessments and checklists are included to help users identify essential employment documents and requirements, explore their career interests and aptitudes, plan and update their resumes, search for jobs, prepare for interviews, set employment goals and more.

These three specially designed workbooks are just some of the interactive tools currently available on GEOReentryConnect.com, which was created by GEO Reentry Services as a one-stop resources for individuals transitioning from incarceration or justice-involved programs back into their communities. GEOReentryConnect.com is an interactive, user-friendly website offering access to a nationwide network of resources and tools for employment, housing, family services, treatment, and more, along with a platform for individuals to share their stories of success and recovery.

Visit GEOReentryConnect.com to see all three workbook guides.