ADAPPT AOD unit helps local library during reconstruction

ADAPPT AOD unit helps local library during reconstruction
ADAPPT AOD unit helps local library during reconstruction

The AOD unit at ADAPPT, a residential reentry program operated by GEO Reentry Services, is always looking for ways to give back to the community. Recently, residents were eager to lend a helping hand to the Northeast Branch of the Reading Public Library.

They have successfully assisted at reconstruction projects at the library over the last year, helping to make it easier to use and more tech-friendly. The center was proud to have been asked to return to the library to assist with additional work continuing through July and August.

“[The library’s] Executive Director Gamble has been a strong supporter of GEO ADAPPT and our programs,” said Michael Critchosin, director of ADAPPT. “We are honored to serve the community by helping out at the library. This opportunity helps the City of Reading and helps our reentrants by providing a venue to demonstrate positive behavior and give back.”

A willing group of reentrants volunteered for this latest service at the library, helping reconstruct a desk with donated materials from a national retail chain. Community service, which is beneficial to both the library and our reentrants, plays a large part in the reentry programming provided at ADAPPT. Supporting the community through volunteer work helps reentrants experience positive responsibility, learn trade skills and experience the rewards of giving back to society.

ADAPPT, which stands for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Parole and Probation Treatment, maintains an impressive record of community service to the City of Reading. Staff accompany reentrants to outside opportunities that include city and park cleanups, light construction projects and general assistance with varied community projects.

Read more about ADAPPT’s volunteer work.