California selects GEO Reentry for 4 centers

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, in conjunction with the Division of Adult Parole Operations, selected GEO Reentry Services to operate parolee reentry centers in four locations: San Diego, Santa Ana, Pomona and French Camp. Formerly centers operated by BI Incorporated, the centers are now called GEO Reentry Centers. The CDCR extended its contract with GEO Reentry Services to continue operating the San Diego and French Camp sites. The Santa Ana and Pomona centers are new and will open in September. In total, more than 1,000 parolees will be served at these four sites annually.

These reentry centers are designed to rehabilitate parolees who chronically fail conditions of release or are treatment resistant. Each center is staffed by licensed therapists, counselors, behavior change managers, a vocational/educational manager and administrative staff. Parole agents refer offenders to a reentry center directly from prison or as an intermediate sanction. Parolees report to the center regularly for treatment, training and connections to local resources.

GEO Reentry combines daily reporting to the center with classes that help parolees succeed in the community. These classes include substance abuse education and treatment; adult basic education; Life Skills development; cognitive restructuring therapy; parenting; domestic violence prevention; anger management; employment skills building and career development counseling; and relapse prevention aftercare. While in the program, parolees receive ongoing evidence-based treatment and training to help break cycles of criminal behavior. By changing criminal behavior, these programs help reduce recidivism, enhance public safety and generate significant savings for taxpayers.

Additionally, GEO Reentry delivers a program called Community Connections, which links parolees to valuable local resources for housing, health services, and additional counseling services. Parolees are required to attend Community Connections presentations at different phases of their programming. Clients report to the center for up to six months, and then go through an aftercare program to help avoid relapse to criminal behavior.