Day reporting center to open in Richmond

GEO Reentry is excitedly preparing for the launch of a new day reporting center in Richmond, Va., which will open its doors in early March.

The center will take up to 150 probationers and jail inmates diverted to community supervision to undergo an intensive day reporting program that targets reducing recidivism by changing criminal behavior, not simply punishing it.

GEO Reentry Services was selected by the City of Richmond earlier this year to open and operate the center, which will complement the city’s new 1,032-bed jail set to open in April.

Participants in the program will report to the center for an average of 180 days, where they will be subject to daily check-ins, drug and alcohol testing and case management. Participants also receive ongoing treatment to help break the cycles of criminal behavior, taking classes that include behavioral therapy, employment readiness, GED prep and life skills.

Because drug and alcohol abuse so often play into criminal behavior, participants will also receive treatment for substance abuse.

Failure to comply with the strict program requirements will result in additional sanctions and possibly removal from the program. This intensive approach keeps offenders accountable for their time and actions, helping to reduce recidivism when compared to traditional offender reentry programs. The program also targets employment or full-time school enrollment upon program completion and generates significant savings for taxpayers through lower incarceration costs.

For more information, check out this recent article in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.