Day Reporting Centers: Phases, aftercare and graduation

GEO Reentry Services operates Day Reporting programs for correctional agencies nationwide. The most intensive level of day reporting occurs in a Full Day Reporting Center environment. Full DRCs have multiple levels of supervision. Clients begin in the first phase, the most intense level of supervision. This phase can be challenging for clients referred to DRCs because they realize the commitment involved; in fact some participants find DRC programming harder than being incarcerated as they must make good decisions, versus having them made for them.

To progress through each phase and reduce supervision levels, clients must meet their commitments and demonstrate positive behavior change. Clients must meet the following criteria in order to progress:

To move from Phase 1 to Phase 2, a client must:

  • Consistently report to the center
  • Complete all assessments
  • Complete behavior change plan
  • Demonstrate progress in their programs. This includes completing orientation, community connections, employment readiness and Moral Reconation Therapy through step 3.

To move from Phase 2 to Phase 3, a client must continue to consistently report to the DRC and demonstrate the same progress in programming. Clients must also have clean breathalyzer tests for 60 days or more, as well as clean urinalysis for 60 days.

To move from Phase 3 to Aftercare, a client must continue to meet the above criteria, in addition to showing:

  • A stable income
  • Stable housing
  • Verified employment or actively seeking employment, or
  • Verified student status with at least nine or more credit hours

During Aftercare, a client works with his or her Behavior Change Manager and the Aftercare Coordinator to develop an Aftercare Plan. The client must check-in at the DRC once a week and attend an Aftercare Group once a month. Aftercare helps clients maintain a healthy, productive and meaningful lifestyle after completing the day reporting program. It helps them build long-lasting changes in decision making.

Once the client completes Aftercare, they can participate in a Transition Ceremony, publically recognizing their progress and accomplishment. Family, friends and members of the community attend the ceremony, celebrating their success. The Transition Ceremony highlights each individual’s achievements and encourages graduates to maintain the positive lifestyle changes the made during their time at the DRC.

Day reporting programming is growing in need and acceptance. These programs help agencies to refer moderate- and high-risk offenders for treatment and training that matches their assessed risks and needs. By involving these offenders in a structured environment, they are more likely to transition successfully to a crime-free lifestyle. For more information, visit