Department of Public Safety and Corrections Secretary to visit Baton Rouge Day Reporting Center for open house

BATON ROUGE, La. — Department of Public Safety and Corrections Secretary James M. Le Blanc is conducting a series of statewide visits of all four Louisiana Day Reporting Centers (DRC), to meet with judges and policymakers in support of the Louisiana Prisoner Reentry Initiative. Friday, Secretary Le Blanc and local stakeholders will tour the Baton Rouge Day Reporting Center, for an open house. The DRC’s represent an integral part of this initiative.

What:             Day Reporting Center open house

Who:              Secretary James M. Le Blanc

When:            February 10, 2017

  9 – 11 a.m.

Where:          Baton Rouge Day Reporting Center

          2751 Wooddale Blvd., Baton Rouge

The Baton Rouge DRC provides community treatment and training for medium to high risk probationers and parolees released to community supervision. Secretary Le Blanc has been a strong proponent of Day Reporting reentry services as a way to reduce costly recidivism.

“Day reporting centers play an integral part in our criminal justice reform efforts,” said Department of Public Safety and Corrections Secretary James M. Le Blanc. “These centers are effective alternatives to revocation and incarceration, providing individualized case management, connecting parolees with the services they need, and thus helping lower recidivism, reducing incarceration costs, and making the public safer.” DRC participants receive the ongoing treatment needed to help break cycles of criminal behavior and connections to valuable resources. Group classes include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Employment readiness and career development
  • Community Connections, including links to community service providers
  • Adult Basic Education and GED prep resources and referrals
  • Life skills and parenting classes
  • Drug and alcohol classes

“We focus on changing criminal thinking while training individuals to succeed in their communities,” said Candace Wilkinson, the DRC program manager. “The DRC has become an important support system for probationers and parolees at high risk of failing their conditions of release.”