GEO Reentry centers hold winter transition celebrations for graduating participants

Three GEO Reentry non-residential reentry centers in California are holding transition celebrations, or graduation ceremonies, for participants this week. The ceremonies honor the hard work of graduating participants who’ve completed GEO Reentry’s reentry programs, which incorporate intensive cognitive behavioral treatment and more.

The centers who will host ceremonies this week are:

Shasta County Day Reporting Center on Thursday, Jan. 18 at Holiday Inn Redding.

Mendocino County Day Reporting Center on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. at Crush Italian Steakhouse.

El Centro Day Reporting Center on Friday, Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. at the El Centro DRC.

These ceremonies follow months of regular reporting to the reentry centers, evidence-based cognitive behavioral treatment and training and monitoring for substance abuse.

Families, friends, alumni and community partners, including corrections officials, are invited to the ceremonies to recognize how far graduates have come. During the graduation, participants are presented with certificates recognizing their completion of our programs.

Participants are also given the chance to share their experiences in the GEO Reentry program with those gathered while receiving kudos from the officers and GEO Reentry staff they have worked closely with on their road to reentry.

For more information about GEO’s non-residential reentry programming, click here.