GEO Reentry Services operates two Confinement in Response to Violation centers in North Carolina, the Robeson CRV and the Burke CRV. Participants spend 90 days at the centers while receiving cognitive behavioral treatment, employment and education assistance, and life skills training.
The Robeson and Burke CRVs have kept busy this summer with pro-social activities designed to increase participant success. The Robeson CRV recently hosted several events for participants, including an art contest, family feud competition and spelling bee. Coming together for a positive experience showed participants that they can have fun and socialize in an affirmative way. Robeson participants also completed murals to highlight their progression through the 12 moral reconation therapy steps, which will serve as visual motivators while they continue to work through the program.
Over the summer, one of Burke’s participants also made tremendous strides in his 90 days at the center. When the participant first started attending groups at the Burke CRV, he was described as being guarded and quiet. However, he became more comfortable once he saw how his peers supported and trusted each other in his MRT group. He said this was a major turning point for him and one of the reasons he applied for the center’s Peer Mentorship program, which allowed him to serve as a mentor in his dorm. He credits this experience with boosting his self-confidence and said he got satisfaction from helping others in that role.
Progressing through Burke’s MRT steps showed this participant that he needed continued treatment after he was released. He said he’s grateful to the staff at the Burke CRV for providing him with the tools and resources needed to start fresh. When the participant first arrived at the Burke CRV, he scored high on the criminal thinking scales test. Upon completion, his scores were drastically lower, highlighting all that he learned while there.
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