GEO Reentry expands services in Tuolumne County

GEO Reentry has expanded our services in Tuolumne County, Calif., following an agreement with the county to expand the already existing day reporting program and to open an in-jail treatment program that will complement the day reporting center.

The DRC can now take up to 75 offenders—up from 50—in their multi-phase program that includes an assessment and planning phase, a treatment phase and an aftercare phase.

The DRC will help to facilitate a successful transition from the county’s in-custody program, which opened in November 2013.

The new program, in-custody treatment and training for medium- to high-risk jail inmates, allows inmates to receive evidence-based training and can handle up to 30 inmates.

Candidates are carefully selected by the county for this program, and will receive many of the same treatment and training they receive when they are released to the Tuolumne County day reporting program, including cognitive behavioral treatment.

The county implemented this program to help manage additional probationers the county is supervising under California’s prisoner realignment legislation, which shifted the responsibility of probationers to counties.  As part of AB 109 legislation, the state provides funding for evidence-based programs implemented by the counties that are backed by scientific research to reduce recidivism.

AB 109, a.k.a. California’s Public Safety Realignment, went into effect in Oct. 2011 as a solution to a federal court order that the state reduce prison overcrowding. Under the legislation, lower-level felony offenders are sentenced to county jails or are put under supervision rather than sent to prison.

GEO Reentry has helped more than a dozen California counties to provide reentry programs that target and reduce recidivism by changing criminal behavior and preparing offenders for life after jail and community supervision.

To learn more about our day reporting services, please click here. To learn more about our in-custody treatment programs, refer here.