GEO Reentry opens 4 Connection and Intervention Stations for Idaho Department of Correction

BOCA Raton, Fla. – December 17, 2020 – GEO Reentry Services, a national leader in community-based correctional treatment programs, in December opened four unique reentry programs, called Connection and Intervention Stations (CIS), for select individuals released to community supervision by the Idaho Department of Correction.

GEO Reentry opened CIS offices in Boise, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Falls and Twin Falls. Participants at a CIS undergo multi-phase evidence-based programming that includes an individualized behavior change plan to address criminogenic risks and needs; access to community resources for employment, education, housing and more; case management and counseling; and classes that encourage them to confront their beliefs and practice pro-social decision-making.

These centers will serve more than 2,000 participants annually in four distinct regions of the state. GEO Reentry staff closely monitor the behavior of participants, who are referred by their supervising DOC officers, to help them break the cycle of repeat criminal behavior.

Services are delivered in-person Monday through Saturday, and via technology-based programming and virtual services participants throughout the state can access using a cell phone, tablet or computer. This dual format allows GEO Reentry staff to maintain close contact with participants and consistently monitor their progress.

Importantly, these programs combine in-person and technology-based services to help the DOC serve individuals across the state. This unique approach allows program staff to maintain ongoing contact with participants to support their successful reentry.