GEO Reentry Services presents to Franklin County Commissioners

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.—On April 10, 2018, GEO Reentry Services representatives provided an update to Franklin County Commissioners regarding the Franklin County Reentry Service Center (RSC) partnership.

GEO Reentry has been a Franklin County subcontractor since 2006, delivering evidence-based reentry services designed to affect permanent behavioral changes that will enable the formerly incarcerated to successfully return to society while enhancing community public safety.

Franklin County RSC reentrants are generally moderate- to high-risk offenders, and GEO Reentry staff evaluates reentrants’ criminogenic risks and needs to develop a customized program that promotes successful reentry.

Facility programs reflect cutting-edge, evidence-based correctional best practices and include: cognitive behavioral therapy, substance abuse treatment, mental health assessment and referrals, anger management, educational and vocational services, and job training and placement.

The Washington State Institute of Public Policy has found that the institution of reentry service centers reduces crime by 30 percent, and that there is a 92 percent probability that they will produce a positive effect. In Franklin County, a Shippensburg University study showed that the Franklin County RSC reduced recidivism by 62 percent.

In 2014, the Franklin County RSC reported 127 successful graduates. After four years, only 20 percent of those graduates had received new charges. Of that 20 percent, only 12 percent returned to jail. In 2015, the Franklin RSC reported 94 successful graduates. After three years, only 23 percent of those graduates received new charges. Of that 23 percent, only 13 percent returned to jail.

John Hogan, Pennsylvania Area Manager, Non-Residential Programs, presented on behalf of GEO Reentry. “We appreciate the opportunity to appear before the Franklin County Commissioners and detail the many benefits of our successful subcontractor partnership. Since 2006, we have delivered outcomes that benefit the reentrants, the taxpayers, and the community at large. We are committed to helping people successfully rebuild their lives after incarceration and look forward to working with Franklin County for years to come.”

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