GEO Reentry’s ADAPPT participants volunteer at Reading library

Giving back and community service are important elements of successful reentry. Several reentrants from the GEO Reentry-managed Alcohol & Drug Addiction Parole & Probation Treatment (ADAPPT) took this to heart recently when they participated in community service at the Reading, Pennsylvania library.

The library needed help with minor construction and cleanup, as they wanted to provide an improved environment for visitors. ADAPPT participants have volunteered at the library previously, helping with construction and clearing areas to improve the library’s children’s area and other visitor rooms.

Library Executive Director Bronwen Gamble welcomed the volunteer help and was appreciative for their help provided by the ADAPPT reentrants, who were led by staff member Jose Candelario.

This time, reentrants dismantled book shelves and cleaned an area to prepare for a new reading lounge for library visitors. They did extensive work lifting and clearing away materials. The ADAPPT reentrants felt a sense of satisfaction after completing their work, since they were able to serve their community with positive actions.

ADAPPT provides programming to reentrants referred from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole. The focus is on substance abuse programming and community service. The facility contributes hundreds of hours of community service on a regular basis and has been consistent with its volunteerism in Reading for many years.

GEO Reentry’s ADAPPT participants volunteer at Reading library
GEO Reentry’s ADAPPT participants volunteer at Reading library