Graduation for individuals on probation completing reentry program in Ventura County

GEO Reentry Services and the Ventura County Probation Department held a fall graduation for two dozen individuals on probation who successfully completed reentry programming at the Ventura County Day Reporting & Resource Center at the Poinsettia Pavilion in Ventura, an off-site venue that highlighted the significance of this event.

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GEO Reentry Services Ventura County Reporting & Resource Center Transition Celebration

Across the country, GEO Reentry offices in collaboration with their public sector partners, celebrated transition celebrations for individuals who successfully completed these rigorous community reentry programs. The Ventura County program was supported by participation from the Chief of Probation Mark Varela, District Attorney’s office and Sheriff’s offices, family members of participants, staff, and community service providers.

Dr. Ken Robinson, developer of Moral Recognition Therapy, one of the most influential and widely used curricula for cognitive behavioral treatment in reentry programs nationwide, also spoke to participant graduates via Zoom.

During the event, graduates shared their experiences and received certificates of completion from Congresswoman Julia Brownley and Senator Monique Limon’s offices. The graduates completed the program over months. “The graduates have been resilient, overcome many obstacles, sustained sobriety, completed goals and are employed as they completed the program,” said Program Manager Mary Jane Cordova.

Located at 4601 Telephone Road, Suite 102, the Ventura Day Reporting & Resource Center opened in July 2016. A satellite center is also being operated in Simi Valley, and combined these centers provide services to more than 100 adult probationers at one time, relieving pressure on the county jail. Probationers referred to the center go through a multiple-phase program that includes regular reporting to the center and intensive treatment and training. Participants receive counseling and attend classes geared to change criminal behavior.