Latessa talk highlights what does and doesn’t work in corrections

BI Incorporated’s programs are cognitive behavioral treatment programs operating under evidence-based principles. These programs include elements of a “What Works” system, including leadership models competent in data driven services; evidence-based practice; availability of a full continuum of services from assessment through discharge; community partnerships; and balanced decision-making.

BI looks to seasoned experts such as Ed Latessa, Ph.D., School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, to develop and deliver “What Works” programs that include practices essential to reducing recidivism. Dr. Latessa recently spoke at a reentry conference sponsored by the Justice Center, the Council of State Government. Latessa’s entertaining and informative talk, entitled “What Works and What Doesn’t in Reducing Recidivism: Some Lessons Learned for Evaluating Correctional Programs,” was videotaped. To watch, click here.