Seeing the real-life, human aspect of a successful day reporting center is extremely rewarding for all those involved. That’s why it’s exciting to witness the life-changing impact of the GEO Reentry-operated day reporting center in Monterey County, California.
GEO Reentry partnered with officials there to open the center in 2009, and the center recently graduated 16 offenders from the program, an occasion that was covered by the local paper, The Californian. Over the course of the program, more than 80 individuals have graduated. Since opening, the capacity at the center has more than doubled, 80 percent of graduates have obtained steady employment, and recidivism rates are very low.
The Californian profiled several successful graduates, including a woman who began using drugs at 15 but now is focused on obtaining her GED and has a positive outlook on her future. Along with other graduates, she will continue to visit the center after her graduation for aftercare, which will help keep her focused on her goals and remain on track.
Also profiled was a young man who was arrested in 2009 for grave bodily injury on a police officer. A high school dropout, John Plant took to the streets and got involved in drugs. He said the day reporting center gave him the tools he needs to stay sober.
“I think it helped me a lot with setting goals,” Plant said. “To make realistic ones. It helped with time management and money management. I used to be very sporadic; now I plan everything.”
Individuals like Plant are the real-life reason GEO Reentry Services exists—to see true, positive change among individuals that translates into stronger, safer communities.