Napa County probationers complete jail alternative correctional program

Napa, Calif.—Nov. 14, 2013—Seventeen probationers who have completed an intensive jail alternative program at the County’s Community Corrections Service Center (CCSC) will graduate Thursday, Nov. 14, at a transition celebration that marks successful completion of the program.  The graduates completed a months-long day-reporting program at the CCSC, a one-stop facility that focuses on reducing the rate at which former inmates commit new offenses once they are returned to the community. The ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. at the Napa County Office of Education, 2121 Imola Ave.

To graduate, participants must:

  • Report consistently with probation officers
  • Have clean drug and alcohol tests for no fewer than 90 days
  • Complete cognitive behavioral classes, designed to address criminal behavior
  • Have stable income, housing and verified employment or be enrolled in school
  • Completed a series of career skills modules and assessments

Graduates and their families, program staff and local officials will attend Mondays’ ceremony. Speakers include Chief Probation Officer Mary Butler, Napa County Police Chief Richard Melton and former graduates. Each of the current program graduates will also speak briefly on what attending the program has meant to them and their families.

The Napa County Community Corrections Service Center is located at the County Hall of Justice. It was opened in 2009 to help alleviate jail crowding problems and tackle chronic recidivism with certain offender groups.  The goals of the Center include reducing the jail population by diverting individuals to community supervision and helping clients stay crime-free once released to the community.

The program and the Community Corrections Service Center were designed by a group that included the district attorney, sheriff, courts, City of Napa Police Department, Health and Human Services department, public defender, probation, jail administrators and the County Executive Office. The program is operated by GEO Reentry Services, with participants being referred by probation department staff. The program serves both probationers and inmates in the county jail.

For more information about the Napa County Community Corrections Service Center and the Transition Celebration, contact Program Manager Amanda Owens at (707) 254-4904 or Napa County Public Information Officer Elizabeth Emmett at (707) 253-4111.

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