Outcomes report for GEO Reentry programs in Pennsylvania shows risk drop for offenders

Participants of four reentry centers in Pennsylvania were found to be at a reduced risk level upon completion of GEO Reentry Services programming in a report covering calendar year 2016.

The participants’ risk levels, determined by the Level of Science Inventory-Revised (LSI-R), decreased on average from an intake level of 27 to an exit level of 19. These numbers indicate that their chance of recidivating is potentially lower.

The LSI-R is a risk/needs assessment tool completed by trained professionals who score participants in 10 different domains to determine their risk level. The 10 domains are: criminal history; education/employment; financial; family/marital; accommodation; leisure/recreation; companions; alcohol/drug problems; emotional/personal; and attitude/orientation.

The LSI-R is one of the most researched risk/need tools currently in use today and relies on three principles of effective correctional intervention: the risk principle, the need principle and the responsivity principle. Read more about it in our previous blog post.

The outcomes report assessed four reentry service centers: Franklin County RSC, Dauphin County RSC, Lancaster County RSC and York County RSC.

The report also found that among all four centers, 71.9% of participants found employment, which is a huge stepping stone in reentry and being able to maintain a crime-free lifestyle.

Read the full report, and find other program reports on our Outcomes page.