Report: Reentry helps states in reducing recidivism

 A new report, “Reducing Recidivism: States Deliver Results,” highlights eight states that have successfully seen reductions in their statewide recidivism rates following an emphasis on reentry initiatives.

The report, created by the National Reentry Resource Center, a project of the Council of State Governments Justice Center, focuses on statewide recidivism data for adults released between 2007 and 2010, with a three-year follow-up period, in Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

In Colorado, for example, the state saw a 5.8 percent decline in the statewide recidivism rate between 2007 and 2010. According to the report, state officials believe it’s because the state is investing in community-based treatment, promoting continuity of care from incarceration to the community, tailoring approaches to individual needs and providing incentives for participation in reentry programs.

The other states highlighted in the report saw similar or even greater reductions—like North Carolina which saw a 19.3 percent decline in their recidivism rate—with an emphasis on similar reentry programming.

Researchers say a strength of the report is that the highlighted states represent all different regions of the nation, sizes in prison populations and correctional systems. As such, it shows reducing recidivism is a real possibility for all states, regardless of their specific characteristics.

As detailed in the report, certain practices and policies have been shown to be successful in reducing recidivism and those include using risk and needs assessments to inform case management, establishing programs based upon the best available science and research and implementing community supervision policies and practices that promote successful reentry.

GEO Reentry Services works with correctional agencies across the nation to provide successful evidence-based reentry programming that focuses on changing criminal behavior and not simply punishing criminal behavior.

Our intensive programs combine day reporting with behavioral therapy, substance abuse treatment and life skills courses so that participants are prepared to reenter society and become productive members of their community.

The treatment and requirements of each participant’s program are assessed based on individual risk factors and vary from each individual. To read more about our approach, click here.

To read the full NRRC report, click here.