Study finds culture shift in reentry approach

Researchers studying the impact of the Second Chance Act say there has been a “culture shift” in the approach taken toward offender reentry with an emphasis on rehabilitation and evidence-based practices instead of services that only enforce reentry rules and regulations.

The research, funded by the National Institute of Justice, is the first part in an evaluation on the Second Chance Act which was signed into law in April 2008 and was designed to provide support and services for post-release offenders in the hopes of reducing recidivism.

The first phase of the study looked at 10 state and local agencies that were among the first in the country to receive funding under the SCA. The research indicated three system changes: partnerships between agencies and non-profits are growing, services are becoming more “holistic,” and there is a cultural shift in thinking about how services are delivered.

GEO Reentry Services partners with correctional agencies nationwide to provide successful reentry services that work to rehabilitate participants. Services include several day-reporting program options, in-custody treatment and training, and residential treatment and housing programs.