Transition celebration marks new beginning for CDCR parolees in Stockton

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and BI Incorporated hosted a Transition Celebration for offenders who successfully completed day reporting center programming, and dozens of Stockton-area officials, families, community corrections professionals, graduates, and past graduates attended.

“We had an excellent turnout for the event, which marks a new beginning for these individuals as they strive to remain crime-free in the community,” said Chris Castañeda, BI Program Manager at the Stockton Day Reporting Center.

The graduating class created a theme for the event, “Eyes Wide Open,” signifying the importance of making good decisions and avoiding trouble. The ceremony was held at University Plaza Waterfront Hotel, 110 West Fremont Street. The keynote speaker was Kelly Placeres of the CDCR.

The goals of the Stockton Day Reporting Center include reducing the prison population by diverting individuals to community supervision and helping clients stay crime-free once released to the community.

To successfully complete the program and participate in the transition celebration, participants must complete Moral Reconation Therapy®, a cognitive behavioral program developed to reduce recidivism and change criminal behavior; stay “clean” for 90 days; and participate in 90 percent of their prescribed group meetings. The CDCR opened the Stockton Day Reporting Center in May 2008 to ease prison overcrowding and reduce recidivism rates among adult parolees. The center supervises an average of 80 parolees daily.