What a day at a day reporting center looks like

GEO Reentry operates Day Reporting Centers for state and county correctional agencies throughout the country. These programs deliver cognitive behavioral programming, which aims to rehabilitate offenders by changing criminal behavior and preparing them for life in the community. Through such treatment and training, DRCs help reduce recidivism rates, ease jail crowding and enhance public safety.

Participation in a DRC program is a mandatory condition of probation or parole for offenders selected by their supervising agency. Those selected are typically at risk of revocation or in need of help and resources. Many are considered moderate- to high-risk of recidivating. DRCs provide offenders with maximum supervision, immediate reporting and intensive treatment while modeling positive social behaviors. Clients can expect the following when they begin reporting to the DRC:

Individual assessment and treatment planning: An extensive assessment will take place during the first week of a client’s arrival. This assessment identifies each individual’s specific programming needs.

Daily check-in with breathalyzer: A breathalyzer test is mandatory each time a client reports to the center. This test identifies whether or not the client has consumed alcohol within the past 24 hours. If alcohol use is detected, the client may be placed in a substance abuse program, or, if the level is particularly high, the client will be referred to jail or a hospital for detoxification.

Random urinalysis testing: Clients must comply with random drug testing. A positive reading will result in an assessment with the DRC staff for placement in a substance abuse program. Other sanctions will be used for clients already enrolled in substance abuse programs.

Weekly classes: Clients will participate in 6-10 hours of classes per week. These classes arm clients with knowledge and skills that will help them successfully transition back into the community. Subjects include general education, employment readiness, cognitive skills, substance abuse, parenting and more.

Clients also participate in weekly case management meetings and periodic evaluations of progress. As individuals demonstrate positive behavior change, they progress through four levels of programming, finally resulting in graduation from the DRC.