GEO Reentry continues support of York County Reentry Coalition

GEO Reentry Services is a proud partner of the York County Reentry Coalition in York County, Pennsylvania, which aims to help reentrants successfully rejoin their communities after prison. The coalition helps reentrants find local job training, employment, education, housing and transportation resources. The coalition also connects reentrants with mental health and substance abuse services.

Pennsylvania has the largest number of parolees in any state, and nearly 40 percent of York County’s annual budget is currently allocated to its criminal justice system. As recently chronicled by the York Dispatch, the York County Reentry Coalition wants to help reduce the cost of crime in the county and make its communities safer for all by connecting reentrants to the services they need.

GEO Reentry believes local partnerships like the York County Reentry Coalition are key to making crime reduction a community-wide effort. In addition to its involvement with the coalition, GEO Reentry operates several residential and non-residential reentry service centers throughout Pennsylvania to help reentrants successfully transition back into society and establish stable lives post-release.

Creating community connections is a central part of GEO Reentry’s programming, and our local offices make it a goal to continually find more connections and resources within their communities that are beneficial for program participants.

To learn more about GEO Reentry’s efforts to reduce recidivism, visit our blog feed.