GEO Reentry’s Shasta County DRC celebrates five years

GEO Reentry’s Shasta County Day Reporting Center is proud to celebrate its fifth anniversary! The program successfully supports the community and works to decrease recidivism rates by those completing the program.

During the past five years, the Shasta County DRC team has developed strong partnerships within the community. Program impact is magnified by our partners, who provide complementary and sustaining participant care, including access to supportive substance abuse care, employment opportunities, education, sustainability assistance and so much more.

One of the defining program characteristics is our commitment to staff skill development. As our program has grown this year, so has our team. In order to deliver services at the same level of care and quality, we have deepened our focus on the fundamentals and core concepts of evidence-based programming.

The Shasta County DRC success depends on staff competency in developing therapeutic relationships and delivering programming content with fidelity. Investing in our staff supports the ongoing success of the program.

Since program inception, our unwavering focus has been on, and will continue to be, our participants successfully changing their lives.

Hope and change start for all of us at the point that we realize we are not bound to continue acting as we have been.

We are inspired — and motivated — by each participant stepping forward bravely to adopt new behaviors and changing their life for the better.

Read more about GEO Reentry’s approach to non-residential reentry.