GEO Reentry Services programming meets participants’ needs across a variety of services

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GEO Reentry Services programming is designed to meet the needs of a variety of participants from evidence-based treatment for adult probationers and parolees in residential and non-residential reentry centers to in-custody programming for individuals in prison and jail settings. Treatment is based in cognitive-behavioral therapy, designed to help program participants adjust criminal attitudes and develop social, interpersonal and problem-solving skills.

By partnering with correctional agencies, county sheriffs and probation officials, GEO Reentry provides in-prison and jail treatment programs to inmates prior to release. These programs prepare inmates for a successful transition back to their communities and, in many cases, generate bridges to continued treatment at residential or non-residential reentry centers. Beginning treatment prior to release allows for consistency as well as a reduced risk for recidivism.

After receiving in-prison or jail treatment, participants can transition to residential reentry centers or non-residential reentry centers.

Residential reentry centers are designed to promote safety and are outfitted with security systems, 24-hour custodial care and electronic sign in/out systems for resident accountability. Ongoing drug and alcohol testing help participants maintain a sober-living environment.

Every participant referred to a residential reentry center is assessed for criminogenic risk factors, and treatment is tailored to meet specific needs. In addition to individual case management, participants attend group therapy and one-on-one counseling. As treatment and behavioral goals are achieved, participants earn increased community involvement.

For probationers and parolees who’ve proven they can remain accountable with less supervision, non-residential reentry centers serve as a cost-efficient alternative to incarceration. Participants at these centers receive treatment similar to their counterparts at residential reentry centers and are held accountable through daily check-ins, ongoing drug and alcohol testing and intensive case management. Appropriate sanctions are put in place for non-compliance, and positive reinforcement is used to motivate participants as they work through the program.

Through research-based treatment and counseling services, GEO Reentry prepares participants for successful reintegration into their communities and assists correctional agencies with important safety efforts. Visit the Outcomes page to learn more about the results of GEO Reentry’s programming.