GEO Reentry programs based on cognitive skills programming

All GEO Reentry Services reentry programs use the best available curriculum founded on evidence-based practices for a variety of needs including anger management, substance abuse, criminal thinking, parenting skills, life skills and employment readiness.

For such programs, we employ Moral Reconation Therapy®, Thinking for Change, Carey Guides, Living in Balance, Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse, Phoenix/New Freedom, Common Sense Parenting, Career Ready 101 and Targeting for Success.

Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on seven basic treatment issues in a systematic, progressive fashion, which are:

  • Confrontation of beliefs, attitudes and behaviors
  • Assessment of current relationships
  • Reinforcement of positive behavior and habits
  • Positive identity formation
  • Enhancement of self-concept
  • Decrease in hedonism and development of frustration tolerance
  • Development of higher stages of moral reasoning

GEO Reentry uses cognitive behavioral therapy to overcome treatment-resistant participants and to enhance all participant programming. The therapy is designed to alter how offenders think, how they make judgments and decisions about the right and wrong thing to do and to promote actions and behaviors focused on changing negative relationships.

The approach is being used successfully in GEO Reentry programs nationwide with both adults and juveniles.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the assumption that much of substance abuse and sociopathic behavior is caused by inadequate reasoning, which is to say that substance abusers make their judgments about behavior based upon pleasure or pain. The system uses a series of structured exercises and tasks to foster development of higher levels of reasoning as well as addressing the other important treatment areas listed above.

While undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy, offenders work through a series of steps and may not advance until he or she masters the current stage. Each offender has his own workbook for homework and other assignments, making the therapy very individualized for maximum success.

Learn more about our approach.