A recently completed report highlights success for Lycoming County reentry program

GEO Reentry Lycoming County Outcomes Report found lower offender risk achieved

A recently completed outcomes report from the Lycoming County Reentry Service Center highlights results from 2021 participant data. The report indicates good engagement by participants in the program and its ongoing treatment and accountability activities as well as a reduction in risk factors for participants who successfully complete the program.

The Lycoming RSC, managed by GEO Reentry Services in partnership with the Lycoming County Probation, opened in 2014. In 2021, the average number of participants served each month was 85 individuals. At the center, participants report frequently and receive services such cognitive behavioral and substance abuse treatment, Life Skills, Aftercare and more. Participants also are regularly screened for drugs and alcohol usage to ensure they are adhering to conditions of release.

In 2021, there were 178 program discharges, and 71% of these were successful. During the year, there were almost 20,000 check-ins by participant, a 94% check-in rate. Attendance at prescribed groups and training sessions is critical, and participants attended 77% of groups they were supposed to, 83% of their individual cognitive treatment sessions, 90% of Aftercare sessions, and 87% of their substance abuse sessions, a testament to positive participant engagement.

Most importantly, using two objective assessment scales, participant risk for a sample group dropped significantly. For the studied group (96 participants in study), LSI-R scores looked at the risk factor for participants when they entered the program to when they finished it and found their assessed criminal risk dropped in half.

Additionally, researchers assessed 202 participants for criminal thinking, again looking at when they entered the program and when they left it. This assessment used The Texas Christian University Criminal Thinking Scales tool and found a 6% reduction in criminal thinking patterns. Further, when reviewing a moderate- to high-risk sample of 105 participants, the risk reduction averaged an impressive 14%.

To read the report and more about the assessment tools applied in it, visit https://www.georeentry.com/outcomes/.