New Jersey to expand drug treatment services

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently announced plans to expand New Jersey’s drug treatment services while streamlining the way the services are accessed in an effort to help those with substance abuse issues get the help they need.

Christie, in his January State of the State address, said the state has created a single phone number to connect those seeking help with treatment services so they have better access and won’t become “stuck” in the system.

Christie also announced plans to expand reentry programming throughout the state, including providing more drug treatment to people while they are still incarcerated.

As NJ Advance Media notes, Christie also spoke of the state’s drug court system in his address. The system gives certain drug offenders the opportunity to enter a treatment program in lieu of jail or prison time.

Christie emphasized in his address that he believes drug addiction is a disease that needs to be treated and not simply punished with criminal sentences.

GEO Reentry Services works with the state to provide reentry programs that are designed to help ex-offenders get their lives on track in several cities throughout New Jersey. The evidence-based programming consists of intensive treatment and training, including cognitive behavioral therapy, life skills courses and substance abuse treatment, when necessary.

An important component of GEO Reentry programs is connecting participants with community resources, including additional treatment services.

GEO Reentry recognizes that treating addiction is a vital step for participants in successfully reentering their communities and becoming productive members of society.

To learn more about our reentry programming, click here.