Program for moms helps recovery academy participant complete high school

Carmen F., a resident at the New Mexico Women’s Recovery Academy in Albuquerque, received her high school diploma and, to the delight of many graduation attendees, was able to carry her newborn son at the ceremony. Carmen gave birth to a baby boy shortly before joining NMWRA, where she has access to programs and living accommodations specifically for mothers living with their children.

“We are extremely proud to provide GEO Reentry’s evidence-based programming that includes the Mothers with Children program,” said Michael Betrus, Director of both the New Mexico Women’s & Men’s Recovery Academies. “This special program includes family-oriented therapeutic services to help mothers while living with their children at the facility.”

Staff members were proud to see Carmen, who worked tirelessly to achieve her lifelong goal, to graduate from high school. In addition to Carmen’s daily program (RDAP, Anger Management, Drug & Alcohol, and Seeking Safety), she attended Gordon Bernell Charter School three times a week. Gordon Bernell supports NMWRA residents to earn a high school diploma versus a GED.

“It was special to see Carmen in cap and gown, holding her baby and her diploma that she worked so hard to earn,” Counselor Renee Mollineda said. “We strive to uplift individuals to a higher standard of living and accomplish positive goals of education and parenting through a cognitive-behavioral treatment structure.”

GEO Reentry Services is proud to provide a combination of evidence-based services and specific reentry services to assist individuals with a successful transition to society, and to meet the goal of recidivism reduction. Programs like NMWRA, a peer-led community program that reinforces positive socialization skills by encouraging interaction between members, enable participants and residents to use GEO Reentry programming to enjoy a new lease on life.

Program for moms helps recovery academy participant complete high school
New graduate Carmen F. pictured with her son