Rockford Reentry Service Center gives back to community

Rockford Reentry Service Center gives back to community
Community members attend the Love Rockford annual event.

The Rockford Reentry Service Center, a non-residential GEO Reentry center, has focused its efforts this spring and summer on giving back to its community. In April, Rockford RSC staff attended the Love Rockford event for the third year in a row. The purpose of Love Rockford is to link community members in need of physical, emotional and spiritual support with local services, food, clothing and counseling. Thousands of community members attended and received information on community services as well as free blood pressure and diabetes screenings, haircuts, clothing, food and books for children and adults.

In addition to the Love Rockford event, the Rockford RSC partnered with the City of Rockford’s Focus Deterrence office. Every month, the office’s employees meet with the team at the Rockford RSC to discuss ways in which they can work together to address local crime through evidence-based practices.

GEO Reentry believes in improving the communities it serves, and the team at Rockford RSC’s participation in Love Rockford as well as its new partnership with the focus deterrence office, shows the center’s commitment to social responsibility.

Read more about GEO Reentry’s approach to non-residential reentry.