Senate committee votes to reauthorize Second Chance Act

The Senate Judiciary Committee recently approved the Second Chance Reauthorization Act, which would extend the Second Chance Act for an additional four years.

The act, authored by U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Rob Portman (R-OH), provides resources to state and local governments and community-based organizations in support of reentry programming designed to reduce recidivism.

In a recent statement, Leahy said, “Investing in reentry programs improves public safety and saves taxpayer dollars. It is also the right thing to do. Many of the states represented on this Committee have benefitted from these programs and seen reductions in their recidivism rates. That is why it enjoys the support of law enforcement, the faith community and members of both parties in the House and Senate.”

The Second Chance Act, which was enacted in 2008, provides resources for a variety of programs including mentoring, substance abuse and family-based programming. The act also expands correctional education and employment initiatives and increases the number of grant programs available for nonprofits.

The act enables many of the programs run by GEO Reentry Services in partnership with correctional agencies around the country. GEO Reentry provides evidence-based reentry programming for parolees and probationers to help participants successfully become productive members of their communities.

GEO Reentry always provides in-custody services to help prepare inmates for their eventual reentry into society.

The committee’s approval marks the first step for reauthorization. The Second Chance Reauthorization Act will now go to the full Senate for consideration.

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