ADAPPT, a residential reentry center in Reading, Pennsylvania, hosted an open house on May 25, welcoming guests from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, Bureau of Community Corrections, the Reading City Police Department and various community partners.
Held onsite at ADAPPT (which stands for Alcohol & Drug Addiction Parole & Probation Treatment), facility staff welcomed guests for a luncheon and meeting. Attendees discussed their common mission to provide reentrants with the best possible options to reintegrate into the community and become productive citizens.
“We were proud to host the open house, bringing our partners together in a shared mission of successful reentry,” Mike Critchosin, director of ADAPPT, said. “It was a great event that was well-received and an opportunity to reinforce good relationships within the community.”
Daniel McIntyre, director of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Community Corrections, also addressed the crowd to emphasize the importance of community partnership in helping individuals get their lives back on track. During the event, attendees enjoyed coming together to share in the important mission of working together to help the lives of the reentrants.
ADAPPT held the open house in honor of Reentry Month in May.
ADAPPT has a wide range of reentry programming that is provided to its male and female reentrants referred from the Pennsylvania DOC and Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole. ADAPPT has several locations and provides both inpatient and outpatient reentry programming. Its services focus on substance abuse treatment programming, cognitive behavioral treatment and case management.
All in attendance at the event acknowledged the importance of supporting reentrants with reentry programming and providing reentrants with the tools needed to establish a positive lifestyle, living crime- and drug-free.
Read more about GEO Reentry’s residential reentry programming or see what other GEO Reentry centers are up to on our blog.