What is case management for reentry programs? GEO Reentry Services describes system

When probationers, parolees or pretrial service defendants are referred to community centers for reentry services, case management is a critical element for stabilizing the individual as they prepare for community integration. GEO Reentry’s reentry centers rely on a strong case management system that guides the participant through the program. This includes orientation of new offenders in GEO Reentry’s programs, risk and needs assessment, and communication and data reporting for clients and our corrections customers. GEO Reentry’s case management system includes several staff members, such as the program manager, case manager and client administrator, to ensure a smooth process from intake into the program through transition to community life.

Case managers at GEO Reentry centers work closely with participants and are trained in normal case management and supervision duties as well as specialty areas, including drug and alcohol treatment, employment preparation, cognitive skill building and group facilitation. GEO Reentry case managers often have backgrounds in community corrections, social sciences and criminal justice, and assist participants in both locating and connecting with a range of appropriate resources and services available in the local community.

The GEO Reentry case management system allows programming to be individually tailored for each person, and different individuals will move through program components at their own pace. Satisfactory completion of each program module is required for progression. Case managers will monitor progress and compliance and develop a remediation program for participants not demonstrating forward progress. Participants who make rapid progress who are highly motivated achieve steadily increasing freedom from sanctions, curfews and reduced frequency of visits to the center.

Variables to be monitored continuously by the case manager are considered “Dynamic Variables,” including:

  • Number of incident reports and misconducts
  • Attendance at the reentry center
  • Numbers of positive urine tests
  • Stability of living situation
  • Quality of group participation and progress.
  • Level of educational effort and achievement
  • Re-arrests or re-conviction

The case manager also continually monitors participants’ “Process Variables.” These include data derived from an individual’s ongoing participation in GEO Reentry programming. Each of the treatment or educational groups includes objective requirements for successful completion. These requirements include:

  • Attendance
  • Level of participation
  • Completing all required and clearly defined program benchmarks

The case manager maintains communication with the participant’s supervising agency to assure coordination of supervision.

If you would like to learn more about GEO Reentry programming and our case management system, please contact one of our business development professionals.